Welcome to the club's new Admin Team - Amy & Anita - who will be in the club office each Tuesday & Thursday. Drop in and say hi, or contact them at info@janjucsurfclub.com.au
Anita Craven
Anita moved to Torquay a few years ago and has been enjoying making the Surf Coast home. After working in senior leadership roles for 20 plus years, she now balances consulting work, while also working in admin roles with JJSLSC and the Surfcoast Basketball Association. She is looking forward to getting to know all of the members, so please drop into the office and say hello. She is also looking forward to having a sim at the beach in her lunch time during the summer season.
Amy Newton
Amy has over seven years of experience in administration and finance roles. She is looking forward to meeting all our members and making some great connections in Jan Juc. Originally from QLD, Amy lived in the NT as a teenager, then moved to Geelong eight years ago with her husband. Amy has two young children, one of them in nippers, which is where she first came into contact with the club. She enjoys being out in nature exploring with her family.
You will see Any and Anita in the club office every Tuesday and Thursday.