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Proudly patrolling since 1963

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surf training


Members who hold the Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion and are 13+ years can compete in Youth/Senior carnivals.

There is a winter carnival season, which involves pool lifesaving and IRB competition, and a summer carnival season, which conducts the multi disciplinary events below. Carnivals for both seasons are conducted regularly throughout the state, culminating in the Victorian and Australian Championships.

Summer Competition Events

For further information contact:

Surf Boat Rowing

Boat Manager or Competition Manager

Surf Ski Paddling

Head Coach, Board & Ski Manager or Comptetition Manager

Malibu Board Paddling

Head Coach, Board & Ski Manager or Competition Manager

Surf Swimming

Head Coach, Beach & Water Manager or Competition Manager

Rescue & Resuscitation

Head Coach, Beach & Water Manager or Competition Manager

Beach Sprint

Head Coach, Beach & Water Manager or Competition Manager

Beach Flags

Head Coach, Beach & Water Manager or Competition Manager

Champion Lifesaver (State & National only)

Competition Manager

Patrol Competition Competition Manager

First Aid Competition

Competition Manager


All competitors are expected to help out at a minimum of 3 major fundraising events during the year. Major fundraising events include the Annual Door Knock, Intersection Collection, Golf Classic, and Danger Swim Series. Water safety at the Danger Swim Series is a priority as this affects our ability to run the event.


    • 2 Mar 2022 7:29 AM | Timothy Watson (Administrator)

      Club Championships 2022

      This year the champs were run and won on the 19th Feb 2022, we had 49 competitors for the day and the competition was hot. There was a big crowd that enjoyed some fantastic surf skills on show.

      Our club champions for 2022 are:

      U14 Boys – Josh Thompson

      U14 Girls – Zoe McKenna

      U15 Boys – Tom Richards

      U15 Girls – Lani Steel / Alexis Jane

      U17 Boys – Charlie Downes

      U17 Girls – Tallulah Rush

      U19 Boys – Harry Jacoby

      Open Men – Jay Moss / Dave Inguanti

      30-39 Men – Will McCance

      40-49 Women – Emily Bradshaw

      40-49 Men – Tony McKenna

      50-59 Men – Tim Watson

      50-59 Women – Amanda Scammell

      60-69 Men – Bruce Dunlop

      70-79 Men – Ken Isaac

      Congratulations to this years club champions, some bragging rights for 12 months.

    • 15 Feb 2022 9:23 PM | Timothy Watson (Administrator)

      Training schedule for the week starting 14/2

      ** Must come in running gear Tuesday and Thursdays and must have a hi vis top.

      Monday – Ski, 445 from Juc, novice and U17 upwards

      Tuesday - board, 445 from Juc u14 upwards (come in running gear)

      - Swimming, 6am at Geelong College Rec Center

      • Lifesaving comp training at 630pm

      Wednesday - Ski, 445 from Juc, novice and U17 upwards

      Thursday - board, 445 from Juc u14 upwards (come in running gear)

      - Swimming, 6am at Geelong College Rec Center

      Friday – Board / Ski, 445 from Juc u14 upwards

      Saturday: Iron session, 9am at Juc

      Sunday: Beach, Jan Juc 8am

      **Tuesday and Thursday sessions you MUST come in running gear**

      ***Must wear a hi vis top

    • 15 Feb 2022 9:13 PM | Timothy Watson (Administrator)

      Victorian Master’s Championships 2022

      We had a team compete at the Victorian Master’s Championships on Saturday 12th February at Lorne. We had 20 competitors including 2 boat crews.

      The conditions were very challenging however everyone got in and did an outstanding.

      The club finished 5th in the overall point score.

      Thank you to everyone for making it a really fun day.


      130+ Women’s Board Relay

      Olivia Cottrill, Jenna Henderson, Emily Bradshaw                               1st

      130+ Women’s surf teams

      Olivia Cottrill, Jenna Henderson, Sue Hopkins                                      2nd

      130+ Women’s Taplin Relay

      Olivia Cottrill, Jenna Henderson                                                                1st

      150+ Men’s surf teams                 

      Ben Lund, Tim Watson, Peter Currie                                                        4th

      150+ Men’s Taplin Relay

      Ben Lund, Tim Watson, Peter Currie                                                        3rd

      40-44 Women’s board rescue

      Olivia Cottrill / Emily Bradshaw                                                                  2nd

      Jenna Henderson / Sue Hopkins                                                                 4th

      50-54 Men’s Board rescue

      Tim Watson / Steve Jewson                                                                        3rd

      35-39 Men’s Board race

      Ben Lund                                                                                                             3rd

      35-39 Men’s Surf race

      Ben Lund                                                                                                             1st

      45-49 Men’s Board Race

      Brad Papworth                                                                                                  4th

      50-54 Men’s Board Race                                              

      Tim Watson                                                                                                        6th

      50-54 Men’s Surf Race

      Tim Watson                                                                                                        4th

      55-59 Men’s Board race

      Steve Jewson                                                                                                    3rd

      60-64 Men’s Board race

      Peter Currie                                                                                                        1st

      60-64 Men’s Surf race

      Peter Currie                                                                                                        2nd

      60-64 Men’s Ski race     

      Peter Currie                                                                                                        3rd

      40-44 Women’s board

      Jenna Henderson                                                                                             4th

      40-44 Women’s Iron

      Olivia Cottrill                                                                                                      1st

      40-44 Women’s Surf race

      Olivia Cottrill                                                                                                      2nd

      Jenna Henderson                                                                                             4th

      45-49 Women’s Board Race                       

      Emily Bradshaw                                                                                                5th

      45-49 Women’s Surf race

      Sue Hopkins                                                                                                       3rd

      170+ Women’s Beach relay

      Emily Bradshaw, Jenna Henderson,

      Sue Hopins, Olivia Cottrill                                                                              5th

      30-59 Men’s belt and reel

      Steve Scammell / Chris Scarff                                                                      4th

      30-39 Womens Belt and Reel                                                    

      Jenna Henderson / Emily Bradshaw                                                          3rd

      60-75 Men’s 1km                                            

      Peter Currie                                                                                                        3rd

      50-54 Men’s 2km

      Steve Scammell                                                                                                4th

      Chris Scarff                                                                                                         6th

      50-54 Men’s Beach Flags             

      Steve Scammell                                                                                                2nd

      50-54 Men’s Beach sprint                                                                           

      Steve Scammell                                                                                                4th

      60-64 Men’s beach sprint

      Peter Currie                                                                                                        2nd

      40-44 Women’s beach flags

      Jenna Henderson                                                                                             4th

      45-49 Women’s 2 km

      Emily Bradshaw                                                                                                1st

      45-49 Women’s beach flags

      Emily Bradshaw                                                                                                 1st

      45-49 Women’s sprint  

      Emily Bradshaw                                                                                                 2nd

      Sue Hopkins                                                                                                       4th

      180+ Men’s surfboats

      Tony McKenna, James Edmunds,

      Luke McKenna, Peter Saw                                                           

      Sweep Brett Thompson                                                                                 3rd

      160+ Men’s surfboats                                                                   

      James Povey, Chris Scarff,

      Mic Formosa, Marcus Dripps

      Sweep: Anthony Hunter                                                                                3rd

    • 6 Feb 2022 6:55 PM | Timothy Watson (Administrator)

      Big weekend in Warrnambool, the shipwreck swim series, We had a few crew come away with medals. The rest were happy we made it.

      Lani steel, 3rd, 12-17yo

      Alexandra Canteriano, 3rd, 35-49

      Campbell Batchelor, 2nd, 12-17yo

      The rest of us made it, some just.

    • 6 Feb 2022 6:25 PM | Timothy Watson (Administrator)

      Hi all,

      Training schedule for the week starting 7/2

      ** Must come in running gear Tuesday and Thursdays and must have a hi vis top.

      Monday – Ski, 445 from Juc, novice and U17 upwards

      Tuesday - board, 445 from Juc u14 upwards (come in running gear)

      - Swimming, 6am at Geelong College Rec Center

      Wednesday - Ski, 445 from Juc, novice and U17 upwards

      Thursday - board, 445 from Juc u14 upwards (come in running gear)

      - Swimming, 6am at Geelong College Rec Center

      Friday – Board / Ski, 445 from Juc u14 upwards

      Trailer pack for masters at 6pm

      Saturday: no Iron session, trailer pack for Sunday at 5pm

      Sunday: Beach, Torquay college 8am

      **Tuesday and Thursday sessions you MUST come in running gear**

      ***Must wear a hi vis top


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    • No upcoming events









    The Jan Juc SLSC has proudly patrolled the Jan Juc beach since 1963 and is a volunteer, family oriented club offering Life Saving Services, Nippers Surf Education and Surf Sports Program, Senior Surf Sports Competition and Training.

    Jan Juc Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 
     Office0475 265 820
     Location10 Clubhouse Road, Jan Juc
     Postal AddressPO Box 179, Torquay, Victoria, 3228
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